Hi, my name is
Matthew Joseph
  • 01.about
  • Hello šŸ‘‹, Iā€™m Matt! Whether this is your first visit, or your tenth, welcome! I specialize in creating beautiful and functional online experiences utilizing web technologies. Although I work as a Full-Stack Developer, I also try to inspire others via my social media to become better developers. My goal is to excel in my field and teach others how to as well.

    Aside from code, I love spending time with my family, playing video games, and reading books. So you're ready to get your website launched? Feel free to network with me anyways!
    • JavaScript
    • React.js
    • Angular
    • MySQL
    • C#
    • .NET
  • 02.work
  • folder_icon Github Coffee Search
    A search engine built for finding coffee from all over the world! You can search by country or brand.
    • PHP
    • JavaScript
    • MySQL
    folder_icon Github Password Manager
    An app made to keep track of my usernames, passwords, and email address associated with any app/website.
    • C#
    • MySQL
    folder_icon Github Dott
    Dott is my modern approach to a upscale restaurant using smooth and dynamic transitions.
    • JavaScript
    • Jquery
    folder_icon Github Spotify Profile
    A web app for visualizing personalized Spotify data. View your top artists, top tracks, recently played tracks, etc.
    • Node
    • Angular
    • Express
    • Spotify API
    folder_icon COMING SOON TrailHead
    TrailHead will serve as an online community and one stop shop for finding outdoor adventures!
    • React.js
    • Next.js
    • Vercel
    folder_icon COMING SOON TextBot
    My bot texts me important information every morning - ie: bills coming up, important emails that require my attention, etc.
    • C#
    • .Net
    • ML.NET
  • 03.contact
  • Let's talk. But you first.